There are many less discussed problems affecting men out there.
For instance, perhaps you have, privately and silently, had this experience as a man:
You are engaged in hot sex with a woman. You are both having the best moment of your lives and she is really impressed with your prowess in bed. Then at that moment when you are just about to ejaculate, nothing comes out!
This must be like the best moment turned into the worst moment in life. You are so embarrassed and disappointed. Your ego as man has been injured and your orgasm is weak.
A reduced ejaculatory volume may be a more fundamental problem than your image to your woman. It can mean all sorts of challenges such as less powerful orgasms, reduced potency, low sperm count, decreased fertility and libido, and low self-esteem.
That is sad news for any man. However, the fact that there are ways available to increase your ejaculatory volume brings a sigh of relief.
Increasing Your Ejaculatory Volume
People have applied different home remedies to increase semen volume during orgasm. However, just a few have been tried and tested. There are several supplements and amino acids that are known to increase ejaculatory volume:
- L-Arginine HCL: Recent studies have shown that this amino acid double sperm count and semen volume and enhance sperm health and motility.
- L-Lysine: It has been proven that L-lysine together with zinc helps in increasing sperm production, improves semen quality and stimulates testosterone production.
- Epimedium Sagittatum: It is dubbed as horny goat weed. It boosts libido and increases testosterone level which leads to increased sperm production.
- Zinc Oxide: it has been shown to increase sperm count and motility by between 80% and 200%.
- L-Carnitine: It significantly enhances sperm motility and is mainly found in healthy sperm.
- Swedish Flower: The pollen of this flower promotes a healthy reproductive system and sexual virility.
Finding the Right Formula for Male Potency
Considering the above list, it is obvious that the ideal semen enhancing formula should contain all those ingredients. It is true that one or two of these amino acids can bring some benefits. However, you can effectively increase your semen volume by using them in the right dosage and combination.
Regarding that, an expert will recommend that you buy Semenax. Various Semenax reviews rate it as number one male potency enhancer and it is approved by the doctor for this.
In addition to the above-listed ingredients, Semenax also contains:
• Catuaba Bark – significantly increases libido.
• Pumpkin seed – increases sex hormones and improves prostate health.
• HealthMaca – improves potency and enhances libido.
• Vitamin E – Improves erectile function.
• Zinc Aspartate – enhances prostate function.
• Pine Bark Extract – for enhanced erectile function and improved sexual responsiveness.
• In addition to these, it contains 6 other supplements and herbs which increase potency, virility and sexual desire.
Are You Interested in Semenax?
A Semenax review shows that it increases semen volume by up to 500%. The increased ejaculatory volume will translate to more intense orgasms. In addition, you have more healthy sperm!